The Desktop Remedy Pointer

Culled from classical repertories

Most useful rubrics from CM Boger’s General Analysis and Synoptic Key and Phatak’s Concise Repertory have been merged, based on my practice of acute and sub-acute cases. Where thought of practical value, additions from other sources have also been made. Only the rubrics that more often come up during prescribing have been

Preface to the first edition

I have extensively used CM Boger’s General Analysis and Synoptic Key and Phatak’s Concise Repertory in my practice and found them of great help in acute and sub-acute prescribing. I have now combined most useful rubrics from them for use as a Desktop Assistant in acute and sub-acute cases. Where thought to be of practical value, additions from other sources have also been made.

Since it is a small work, only the rubrics that more often come up during prescribing have been selected. Where thought necessary, other relevant rubrics and/or sub-rubrics, not finding a place in the book, have been given in a box for reference to larger works.

As the name suggests, the book is meant to call attention to the most relevant remedies against a given symptom. It is not meant to take the place of other tools.

Hopefully, the work will be of help to the busy practitioner in acute and sub-acute prescribing.

Ahmad Fakir Muhammad, Homoeopath
January 30, 2021



All rights reserved @ Ahmad Fakir Muhammad

Aram Bagh Road

