Recurring urinary tract infection

Testimonial of Mr. Abdul Ghafoor of City Homoeo Store, Karachi.

The locality where I live can be called the hub of homoeopathy in Pakistan. Arambagh  Road of Karachi has the distinction of having accommodated such early torch-bearers of Homoeopathy in Pakistan as Dr. A. Hamid, Dr. Hasan Aziz, etc. So I was acquainted with homoeopathy as a child but, truly speaking, it was not my first choice treatment – in fact, some times I treated it with the usual contempt as is quite common until I met Dr. Ahmad Fakir Muhammad and saw his method of treatment.

The way he handled my mother’s urinary tract infection has made me a strong supporter of homeopathy.

My mother is about 74. She had recurring urinary tract infections which had been treated through strong antibiotics from time to time. If I remember correctly, it was in 1995 when the antibiotics failed to act. According to doctors, she had a bacterial strain that was resistant to even the third generation antibiotics!

It was at that juncture that we consulted Dr. Ahmad Fakir Muhammad. He took mother’s case in detail and promised to prescribe a suitable medicine in a few days.

If I remember correctly, the initial prescription was Colchicum. Improvement was noticeable in a few days, with mother complaining less and less about the burning and inconsistency of urine. Subsequent tests showed decreased bacterial count and disappearance of Pus cells, RBCs and other abnormalities in the urine. In view of the long-standing nature of the complaint and overuse of antibiotics, the infection could not be cured radically as feared by Dr. Ahmad Fakir Muhammad during the first interview. From time to time, it keeps on striking back. The important thing for me, however, is that both the intensity and frequency have decreased considerably and the problem has become easily manageable.

Abdul Ghafoor
City Homoeo Store
Arambagh Road