Homeopathy in coughs, colds, asthma and respiratory allergies of children

Nasal, throat and airway allergies are a major health problem in childhood. Exposure to dust, pollens or certain other substances (called allergens) excites an attack in a genetically predisposed child.

Homeopathy provides better solutions for treatment of coughs, colds, asthma and respiratory allergies in children and adults. The symptoms in the beginning look like that of a common cold. They usually start with sneezing, a runny nose and a dry cough – not necessarily in the given order.  In some children wheezing and shortness of breath follow. It is difficult for mothers to tell a cold from an allergic reaction as their symptoms are so similar. (Some mothers call the condition as recurring cold ending up in asthma – not correct).

In some cases, the two conditions (a cold and an allergic reaction) are simultaneously at work to produce the classical symptoms – sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion and blockage, constant cough, dark circles below eyes. The testimonials by parents of two children treated homeopathically clearly show, why homeopathy should be preferred over other modes of treatment for”recurring/chronic colds”, nasal and respiratory allergies.

Daughter cured of nasal and respiratory allergies with homeopathy!

Homeopathy helped my daughter with asthma