Looking for a good homoeopath?

Before choosing a homoeopath

Finding a good homoeopath is the first step towards regaining health. A wrong selection may delay your return to health. It may even make your problems worse. Don’t be hasty in making a choice. Ask your friends and relations; they might be able to recommend someone they personally know. If possible, visit his clinic and have a chat with his patients. Try to find answers to the following questions:

How are the patients doing under his care?
(Most of the patients must reply, they are improving)

How much time does he give to each patient, particularly for initial consultations?
(A good homoeopath gives 20 to 60 minutes for initial consultations. Follow-up visits may take 10-15 minutes).

What does he prescribe?
(A good homoeopath usually prescribes just one (single) homoeopathic remedy at a time after taking a detailed history of the patient).